Social Media and Time Sensitive Holidays

When you think about holiday marketing, Thanksgiving and Christmas are probably the first things that come to mind. They are great times of the year for everyone with their family, friends, food, and festivities! Social media is a wonderful way to connect with your audience during these holidays. But how can you use social media marketing in order to increase conversions?

Social media is an effective marketing tool during the holidays because it allows you to connect with your audience in a personal way. Social platforms are becoming more and more popular, therefore people tend to spend their free time on social media sites rather than watching TV or reading newspapers. It would be silly not to take advantage of that! Start planning for this holiday season now so that your business can have great results during these weeks when everyone's spending money online.


The first thing you will need is a company blog where you publish informative content regularly about seasonal topics related to your business. This type of content must contain ideas for gift giving in order to help readers find the perfect gifts for their family members and friends, which means they can cross off one more thing from their to-do list. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram will be great for sharing this content with your audiences.

When you post on social media, keep in mind that timing is everything! Social posts can reach a larger number of people if they are published at specific times throughout the holiday season since many users base their activities around these days:

- Social posts should be published on Thanksgiving because people are spending time with their families and will check social media

- Social posts about Christmas should be released before the holiday in order to have a better chance at being seen by users, since many spend even more time online during this day because of all the shopping they're doing.

Although it may seem like there is no need for paid advertising campaigns when you can effectively market your products or services without them, taking advantage of platforms such as Facebook Ads could also help you achieve great results! Many companies take advantage of this opportunity during these weeks so that their ads stand out from those sent by other businesses targeting similar audiences. In short: use organic methods together with strategies to gain followers' attention and increase conversions.